Hello everybody. This week we have themeweek here in Lundarskóli. Its just 8-10th grade. On monday it was fancy day, then we came in fancy clothes like f.ex. dresses, skirts, suits, shirts. Tuesday it was 80's theme. Not many came in 80's clothes, there is not many who has 80's clothes. On wednesday we have Hip hop day! Many kids wear basketballshirts, Adidas clothes, and with caps. The photo we took is on the hip hop day. On thirsday its Rock and Roll theme! We go in shorts, leather and boots f.ex. On friday we have cozyday. Then we come in the coziest clothes that we have, many kids come in pajamas or cozyjumpsuits. On friday is our yearly dance. Then girls come in their dresses and the boys in suits and eat togheter and after that is dance ball. It is very fun week.

Greetings Lundarskóli! :D

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